Yes indeed 'Dj Po' and 'Naughty Nicola' are in talks about recording a show together!
How will 'Dj Po' cope by being locked in a Studio with the sultry 'Naughty Nicola'
Will he disolve into a mass of squirming Jelly? Will he be able to compose himself
long enough to remember he's Dj and not her side project play thing? Will she take
her pet Death Rock singing Fruit Bat (Rodriquez) along ... we are sure she will.
More News on this, as and when we get it...
How will 'Dj Po' cope by being locked in a Studio with the sultry 'Naughty Nicola'
Will he disolve into a mass of squirming Jelly? Will he be able to compose himself
long enough to remember he's Dj and not her side project play thing? Will she take
her pet Death Rock singing Fruit Bat (Rodriquez) along ... we are sure she will.
More News on this, as and when we get it...